Blog Tour: The Bestseller & The Sequel

Sci-Fi, Historical Fiction, Paranormal
Date Published: The Best Seller 5/16 and The Sequel 10/17
Publisher: Solstice Publishing

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The Best Seller:
Book One Of Two

When Maya Smock writes her first novel, everything seems to go her way. Her book practically writes itself. She marries her gorgeous agent. Her name is on all of the best seller lists. Billionaire author Jay McCallister takes an interest in her meteoric rise to fame and invites her into his world of alien-believing celebrities. Her life changes forever when he tells her that they were both created inside of a laboratory. These authors are embedding an alien genetic code within the pages of their novels that originated from Nazi Germany because...

The time has come. They are here.


The Sequel:
Book Two of Two

Maya Smock gets inside of a time capsule and travels back to 1944 Germany. A Nazi doctor forces her to meet his superiors, proving to them all that his invention works. Hitler studies Maya like a laboratory rat at his Eagle’s Nest and then introduces her to the Reptilians. She plummets deep into the hollow earth. Will she ever get home? Only Maya’s next novel can show her friends how to get her back.

As Operation Chrome expands, General Andreas steals more babies. He believes that he is saving them from an extraterrestrial agenda connected with World War II. The hybrid babies have grown.

They are here. They will take what is theirs.

About the Author

Dina Rae has written seven novels. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and two dogs outside of Dallas. She is a Christian, avid tennis player, movie buff, teacher, and self-proclaimed expert on several conspiracy theories. She has been interviewed numerous times on blogs, newspapers, and syndicated radio programs. She enjoys reading about religion, UFOs, New World Order, government conspiracies, political intrigue, and other cultures. The Sequel, Volume 2 of The Best Seller series, is released by Solstice Publishing.

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The Best Seller Excerpt
 The man in front of me wasn’t happy with just a signature. “Do you believe?” the fan asked the great author. Without waiting for a response, the fan asked, “Are they coming back? How long have we been lied to?”

Mister McCallister looked extremely uncomfortable. “Yes,” he said and then paused. “Enjoy the book.” The author’s hands trembled as he handed the book to the man.

It was my turn and I didn’t have anything intelligent to ask. I handed him three of his books. “I also want to buy Planet X and Institute of Intelligence.”

Mister McCallister looked at the books that I brought and then smiled. “I haven’t seen these books in some years now. Most people know me by my AI series.”

“I know you by everything you ever wrote. You inspired me to be a writer. That’s why I’m here. I want to get published.” I handed him sixty dollars for the two additional books. He smelled like spearmint soap.

“Who do I make this out to?” he asked.

“Maya. Just Maya. You’re a genius, Mister McCallister. Thank you so much,” I gushed.

“No, just a conduit, my dear,” he said as he handed me the three books that I brought with me along with the two books that I purchased. He looked at my necklace and his green eyes darkened to the color of seaweed. “Where did you get that?”

At first I wasn’t sure what Jay McCallister was talking about and then he started pointing to my chest. “My mother, uh, are you okay, Mr. McCallister?”

“Where did your mother get it?” Jay yelled and sprang from his seat, reaching for my necklace. “You don’t understand, child! I know that crystal. Your mother got it from them! They are here! Now!”

Before Jay could rip off my necklace, Michelle, the short, heavy-set woman who seemed to be running the convention, sandwiched herself in between Jay McCallister and me. A security guard was a few steps behind her. She pointed at my autographed books which were now on the floor and motioned for me to get them and go.

“Everyone, Jay McCallister needs a break right now. Please clear out. There are other authors to see and classes to attend to,” she said.

A few more security guards appeared and escorted the great author out of the hallway.

The Sequel Excerpt
“Engel, engel!” shrieked a little, blonde boy dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt.

I did not yet have a chance to process what had just happened. My body tingled and wobbled as I sat up in a small glass enclosure. My memories flooded back. Glenn Lucasek rescued me from the middle of nowhere and brought me to the They Are Here (T.A.H.) Institute inside of the Ruby Mountains. I agreed to continue the time travel experiment that Glenn and Jay McCallister started. Now I was inside of a different capsule with a screaming boy only steps away. Instinct told me to move. He might have attracted unwanted attention.

I didn’t know what ‘engel’ meant, but I suspected it might have meant ‘angel’ in German. The little boy, somewhere around eight years old, was definitely European, and maybe even Aryan. His words sounded German, and his flaxen hair and pale blue eyes only added to my theory. My race was still a mystery.

My dark complexion, dark eyes and black hair made it clear that I was not a local. The fact that I had just appeared out of a time machine had to have startled him. He might have even thought I was from another planet.

I opened the metal latches. The glass door of the capsule swung open. I stepped outside of the capsule. I stood inside of a rustic animal stall. The smell of manure, the dirt floor littered with hay, and the high beamed ceiling could only mean one thing, I was inside of a barn. I had only been to a farm once. My second set of foster parents had taken me to their parents, or my temporary grandparents, for the weekend up in northern California. This was similar, but cleaner.

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