Witch-Hunter Weekend

Happy Hallowe'en my lovely readers and blog-stalkers!

Now it might not be spooky; it might not be scary; but the Witch-Hunter world is embracing the Hallowe'en weekend.
Why?  Because there's witches, obviously.

What does it mean?
Bloody cheap books!

Download from 8am 30th October to 2nd November for this great deal!

Start the adventure FREE with The Shadow Rises (Witch-Hunter #1).

Witness the Witch-Hunters fight back against an evil force in The Shadow Reigns, only 99p this weekend from Amazon!

Hunter embraces the magic in his blood in the exciting finale - The Shadow Falls - only 99p from Amazon!

K.S. Marsden's UK Amazon page

K.S. Marsden's US Amazon page

Already read the Witch-Hunter series?  How do you score on the quizzes below?


  1. Replies
    1. Aw, me too Faith! Hope you enjoy the Witch-Hunter series - and if you click the "witches" tag, it'll bring up a bunch of other witch stories from other authors too!


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