Today is Awesome!
Today is Awesome!
Seriously, there is so much going on, I'll just put a few hints here. But basically, you don't want to miss this post.
- New Witch-Hunter story released;
- Free Awethors Anthologies;
- Competitions;
- Character Tournament;
- Cover contest...
Need I go on?
So today is the day that the group of #Awethors are celebrating a whole load of awesomeness.
You may remember back in April we did a 12 hour Awethors takeover on the blog, where 12 lovely Awethors blogged about whatever was on their minds at the time - check it out now in the April archive.
Today we're kicking up a fuss and have a Get Down With The Awethors day.
We are celebrating the release of two anthologies: 49 authors; 20+ genres; 2 volumes; FREE.
Yes, you heard that right, you get 49 of the newest stories, poems etc, for absolutely free.

Awethology Light (suitable for under 18s)
Awethology Dark (suitable for over 18s)
(note: it is only free on Amazon US and Australia; the EU and UK sites are dragging their heals, and may be priced at 99p for a few days, before catching up.)
More actual free links:
Barnes & Noble
This has been a huge undertaking. The fact that 49 authors have taken part (including yours truly) is actually a minor thing.
I would like to take a moment and thank all the people responsible for organising free professional editing for every piece of work; for the people that gave their free time in proof-reading.
Most of all, I would like to thank the one and only Claire Plaisted, who not only single-handedly formatted both volumes, she has also arranged author interviews from all 49 authors, and has organised the free availability of the digital and paperback copies.
So check out these Awethology collections, and join us on Twitter and Facebook, letting us know that you're #TeamLight or #TeamDark
*hint* you want to be #TeamLight. I'm not biased or anything, and it has nothing to do with my story being in Awethology Light, but yeah, you want to be #TeamLight.
Speaking of the story - drumroll please.
For fans of the Witch-Hunter books (or those of you who haven't got round to reading them yet), I would like to announce the release of Kristen: Witch-Hunter.
Kristen Davies has plans; graduating high school, and making the most of being the school’s star
athlete. Her plans don’t involve witches, but what’s a girl to do when evil strikes.
Kristen is awakened to the very real threat of witches, and has to dredge up her forgotten roots, to take her rightful place.
This short story is dedicated to the lovely Kristen Davies, who only enters the Witch-Hunter trilogy in The Shadow Falls, but quickly becomes a central and important figure. She was always so much fun to write, and I couldn't leave the character there, she has so much more to offer! Hence, she gets her own shiny prequel.
This is an exclusive story for the #Awethors, so go download Awethology Light and enjoy!
And if you've already gone and read it, and have found your way here... did you think the ending was a little too abrupt? Do you still need a Witch-Hunter fix?
Go to my website, and check out the new page for Kristen's story, and you might find a link to a little bit more...
Ok, so I imagine a few of you are having a lazy Sunday. If so (or if you're looking for distractions from housework/homework/revision/insert-hellish-thing-here), we have the perfect antidotes.
1. Character Tournament
Check out the tournament that Joe Compton has put together. You can find out about the Protagonists and Antagonists from a number of indie books, and vote for your favourites to see them through the knock-out rounds!
The first round has started, and the second kicks off at 3pm (GMT).
Make sure you vote for Hunter Astley (Witch-Hunter series); and David Jones (Enchena series) to see them get through!
Character Tournament

Watch out this afternoon and evening (UK time people, do your own calculations) for another Cover Contest.
Last time we had so much fun - and the Awethors got a tiny bit competitive!
Petty by Isaac Jourden won and The Shadow Rises came in the top 10.
This year, I have entered The Lost Soul, so watch out for multiple tweets and Facebook posts trying to garner votes!
3. Awethor Interviews
As previously mentioned, the lovely Claire Plaisted has compiled interviews with all 49 Awethors.
Go to her website to read more, and discover your new favourite Indie read!
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