How to... survive the Big Day
How to... survive the Big Day This summer I am sharing some of my tips for attending book events, to hopefully aid new authors, and those stepping out to events for the first time. Blog Posts: How to pick your events Getting ready - what you need to take The big day Today I am going to be sharing my insight into what to expect from attending an event as an author. 1. ARRIVAL & SET-UP 2. THE SELLING BIT 3. WHAT ELSE TO DO 1. ARRIVAL Getting There You need to read the emails that the organisers have sent to you. It will give you details on how to get there and, as a trader, where you have to bring your vehicle; as this can sometimes be different to the main entrance attendees will be using. They will often give you advice on where to park your car - even if you've been to this event before, it's good to check that nothing has changed. They will give you times for unpacking all your gear. If you are going to a comic con, the organisers may mention unloading gear the day befor...