Author Interview: Lesley Anne Neale

Lesley Anne Neale

Hi Readers, qualifying some years’ ago to practise aromatherapy massage and Indian Head massage, I am a great believer in complementary therapies to overcome health problems, so I decided to write a self help guide for stress relief with the intention of helping others understand the effects of stress and how to deal with stressful situations on a daily basis.

Having suffered stress myself for some years, which affected most aspects of my life, I attended self help groups for meditation and mindfulness; had immense support from friends and family and, by using my own expertise, managed to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life.

My passion is to use my own experiences to help others combat stress and encourage others to follow the tips and guidelines that I have suggested in my book.

Now I know that I don't often feature non-fiction books (in fact I've only ever done it once before); but I have to feature Lesley Neale and the first in her 'Little Book' series.
If you weren't aware, this lovely lady is the editor who has worked on all of my books. So, she definitely knows her stuff when it comes to writing.
Lesley is also one of my best friends, and has been a huge support, not just with writing. She's aware of my issues with stress, and we have gone together to various meditation evenings over the years. I am also one of her clients for Indian head massage, which I find words wonders.

OK, enough of my chatter, let's move onto the good stuff:

Little Book of Stress Relief
by Lesley Anne Neale

A step by step guide to help others recognise the signs of modern day stress.

Goodreads link

Buy Links:
Amazon UK
Amazon US

Lesley Neale was kind enough (a.k.a. I bullied her until she consented) to answer a few questions.

1) What inspired you to write a self-help book?

After battling with stress and anxiety for years, I became inspired to write this little self-help book to help other people combat stress.

2) Who do you think this will appeal to?

This book will appeal to everyone who have busy lifestyles and who want ‘quick fix’ tips on how to deal with everyday stress.

3) Is this part of a series?

I am in the throes of writing another book which will be part of the ‘Little Book’ series and is about basic aromatherapy.

4) What sort of books do you like to read?

I love to read self-help books; anything to do with complementary therapies to broaden my knowledge. I also love reading chick lit novels and have read many classic novels: A Pair of Blue Eyes, Washington Square and The Turn of the Screw, to name but a few. I feel reading the classics gives you a good grounding for future reading.

5) Who are your favourite authors?

Milly Johnson is one of my favourite chick lit authors, having read every book that she has ever written. Of course, my favourite fantasy author is K.S. Marsden.

6) What hobbies do you have, and do you think they've shaped you as a writer?

Horse riding is my favourite hobby; horses are such serene creatures and I feel relaxed around them. Having a keen interest in aromatherapy and other complementary therapies has encouraged me want to write about them too.

7) As well as a writer, you are an editor - which do you find more challenging?

I feel that copy editing is the most challenging of all; keeping the concentration for lengthy periods is a mammoth task and working to deadlines. With my writing, I can just relax.

8) What advice would you give to a new writer?

I would advise a new writer to feel what you write and enjoy every minute of the experience.

9) What do your friends and family think of you being a published author?

My family and friends are extremely supportive and very proud of the fact that I am now a published author. Wow…that sounds good…published author!!

10) What projects are you currently working on?

As I said previously, I am writing a second book of the ‘Little Book’ series and who knows they may be a third.


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