Dragon Orb

Dragon Orb

by Shanlynn Walker

5 out of 5

Daegonlot: a floating island separated from the mainland of Darkenfel, and home to the last of the dragonriders. They have settled in the city of Goldenspine and allowed the rest of the world to forget them.

At 16 years old, Daxon knew he was too old to be chosen to be a dragonrider. On his way home one night he was surprised when a wild dragon's egg was left in his care by the largest dragon he had ever seen. Agreeing to raise and protect the as yet unhatched egg, his hopes to become a dragonrider once more blossom, but again, fate intervenes.

When the young dragon hatches, Daxon's world is turned upside down and thrown into chaos. After learning of a mysterious orb and the possibility that it might hold all the dragonrider's dragons in thrall, he is determined to not let the same fate befall his young charge. He must find a way to protect the hatchling from the fate of the other dragons and a way off of Daegonlot before it's too late.

Growing up in Goldenspine, Daxon wants nothing more than to be picked as a dragonrider. After years of rejection, he finally has a chance when a wild dragon egg is entrusted to him. Draxon must now learn the truth about Goldenspine, and what he must do to protect the dragons.

I downloaded this book for free from Amazon, and it was surprisingly good.
I really liked the original approach Walker makes to the whole dragon-riding tale, which is a sub-genre that sometimes feels like it's been all done before. In this short story she not only establishes a whole new mythology, but brings up serious questions about it.

Daxon is a nice enough character, but it's only when he's alongside the wild baby hatchling, Drakthira, that he really shines. The two have a great friendship, and it was immensely enjoyable to read about them. It is made clear from the start that the two of them do not have an official dragonrider pairing, and they are only spending time together for convenience.
The truth is, all other dragonrider pairs seem to dull in comparison to Drakthira and Daxon.

Drakthira is stubborn and independent and definitely not one of the tame-bred dragons from Goldenspine. I like that this story is as much her adventure as Daxon, she is not a glorified steed or quiet side character.

The only downside was how short it was, and how abruptly it finished.
I know, with only 139 pages, I should have been expecting it. But I was so swept up in the story, I didn't realise how swiftly the end came.
It just ended. And it felt a little jarring, as it was less of a natural conclusion to the book, and more like the rounding up of the chapter.
Looking back, I suppose they achieved a major aim stated in the story, but it didn't feel like there was a climax to the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story and the author's style and can't wait for the next part!

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