Harlow Whittaker Covers

Harlow Whittaker Series

by Valerie Day-Sanchez

Ok, so about this time last year, I was reading and reviewing the very imaginative Harlow Whittaker & the Apprentice.  And about four months before that, I had the pleasure of getting an interview with Valerie.

Well, the good news is that the third and final book Harlow Whittaker & the End of Days has finally been released, so we can find out how Harlow, Larkin & co come back from that massive cliff-hanger in the last book.
But even better, to celebrate the series, Day-Sanchez has given her books a bit of a makeover.

Old covers:

New covers:

And introducing Harlow Whittaker & the End of Days

After the identity of her opponent is revealed Harlow also discovers that she has been the victim of a conspiracy that was orchestrated by the Soothsayers Council.  Feelings of betrayal run rampant as Hendrix learns that she was the only one of Harlow’s three appointed protectors that was unaware of the council’s rouse.  As this all comes to a head Harlow is transported back to her father.  Leaving the last remaining Archers, where for the first time find themselves divided.  The worlds are continuing to deteriorate and their only hope has now joined the very person that is determined to annihilate the worlds.  The Soothsayer’s Council now destroyed leaves the Archers free to choose their own fate.  What will that fate be? 

Review ~ coming soon


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