Exciting times...

Drumroll please...

Big news first - the final part of the Witch-Hunter trilogy has been released.

The Shadow Falls
available in paperback and kindle

Hunter Astley has always known that he is different: being a witch-hunter that can use magic has sealed his fate. He must destroy the Shadow Witch once and for all, with the help of some unlikely allies.
We delve even deeper into the world of the Malleus Maleficarum; into myth, rumour and history that refuses to stay in the past.

Which is absolutely bloody brilliant news!
To celebrate the release, the first part of the Witch-Hunter series is free to download from Amazon for the whole weekend - Friday 5th to Sunday 7th.
The Shadow Rises

I am torn - a large part of me is currently bouncing around with excitement and telling anyone who will listen that book number 3 is real and ready to complete Hunter's story.
But I'm also a little scared.  It has been a lifelong ambition to be a published writer, and now that has been accomplished.  Oh, don't get me wrong, that isn't it.  There are going to be plenty of other books coming from me in future.
It is a little depressing that Hunter's story is finished.  I've had him, Sophie and James; the MMC and the witches, all jumbled up in my head for nearly ten years.  It's like saying goodbye to old friends.
...ok, I admit there is going to be a prequel to the trilogy released next year.  What can I say, I couldn't resist; plus a lot of reviewers have asked for more insight into the MMC and how Hunter got into it all.  I couldn't ask for a better excuse to indulge the Witch-Hunter world once more before putting it away...

I'd like to take this opportunity to make a few "thank yous", without sounding too indulgent.
First of all, my books look stunning.  Now aside from sketching horses when I was younger, I have next to no artistic talent.  Luckily, I got put in touch with someone who has more than made up for it.
As I have said before, Beth Syler has made my books look addictive.  I would highly recommend checking out some of her other work.
I'd like to say thank you to my friends, who have not only supported me when it came to buying books; they helped to spread the word; and they even managed not to get too upset when I disappeared for weeks at a time to write.
Coming out as a writer was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. (Yes, I have read that.  Yes, I did mean to write it.)  I don't care about negative opinions from strangers, but opening myself to being judged by people I knew, that terrified me.
I am truly flattered and honoured that instead of laughing at my ambitions, without exception, everybody has been so encouraging.  You have no idea how much your support has meant to me, and means to me going forward.
Ok, emotional bit over.

Finally, I'd like to thank my readers.  Thank you for joining my mad world; thank you for all your comments.
So we get onto your chance to win the entire series in paperback.
All you need is to live in the UK or the US, and be a member on Goodreads.

The giveaway is open until the end of September:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Shadow Falls by K.S. Marsden

The Shadow Falls

by K.S. Marsden

Giveaway ends September 30, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win


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