Book Release: To Rise Again

To Rise Again
from Stewart Bint

Stewart Bint’s latest novel, To Rise Again, has just been published by Creativia.

The Marquand family fled their home on Jersey, in the Channel Islands, just before the German occupation there during World War II…and never returned.

Now, it’s the summer of 1983, and their once opulent mansion, Idlewild, is now crumbling and derelict. The mansion holds a mysterious lure for 18-year-old David Simeon, who dreams of Idlewild years past, as it used to be. But who is the young girl he sees, endlessly wandering through its corridors?

As the nerve-shattering link between David, the girl, and the mysterious Idlewild comes to light, is it too late to stop the seeds of destruction and world domination planted there long ago, during Adolf Hitler’s last desperate throw of the dice in World war II?

Fantasy, science fiction, horror and paranormal mingle in Stewart Bint’s To Rise Again, as the threads of 1945 and 1983 slowly intertwine to reveal a world on the brink of destruction.

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He gestured for me to go in. Peering past him, I could see a long mahogany table in the centre of the room. It was much longer than it was wide. Eight dark-wood seats ran down each side of the table, with a carver at both heads. The two mullioned windows at the foot of the room were identical to the ones in the drawing room, and a small shelf ran all the way round, a couple of feet from the ceiling. The shelf was empty now, but I could easily imagine it once displaying a mass of china plates.

As I passed properly through the door a sense of fear instantly hit me. One moment the room was empty. The next it was full of shouting; that deep guttural sound almost unique to the German language. I heard those beautiful dark chairs scraping across the bare wooden floor. My eyes opened wide in a mix of amazement and horror as the room suddenly filled with men. With soldiers. All wearing the sinister uniform of the Nazi.

Each chair was instantly occupied. And after the soldier sitting in the carver in front of the window seemed to spot us, pointing to the door with a yell, all seventeen other faces turned towards us. And with one movement they pushed back the chairs, rising together in a mechanical sweep, rather like a clockwork toy.

The two nearest Germans scrambled forward, reaching for their guns. Time seemed to stand still. An eternity passed and I could sense rather than smell the appetising aroma which sprang from the table. The aroma of a roasted joint.

I visibly leaped as a hand gripped my shoulder. I stared around at the empty chairs and soundless room. Richard released my shoulder as I relaxed. His voice broke the quiet stillness. “Have you seen something else?”

It was no use me asking if he had seen anything. I knew he hadn’t. Whatever it was, only I had seen it. I was sure of that.


Stewart Bint is a novelist, magazine columnist and Public Relations writer, and a member of the influential worldwide Awethors group.

He is an active awareness campaigner for mental health and sepsis, and was named on the 2016 list of "Inspirational Mental Health Advocates that are changing the world."

Previous roles include radio presenter, newsreader and phone-in host.

Married to Sue, with two grown-up children, Chris and Charlotte, and a charismatic budgie called Alfie, Stewart lives in Leicestershire in the UK, and goes barefoot almost all the time.

In addition to his latest work, To Rise Again, published by Creativia, he also has three novels available from Dragon Moon Press:
The Jigsaw And The Fan
In Shadows Waiting

He has also contributed short stories to a number of anthologies:
Ghostly Writes Anthology 2016
Looking Into The Abyss
Awethology Dark
December Awethology Light
Blood Moon
Just A Minor Malfunction, Volume 2
Serious Flash Fiction

And his back catalogue is rounded off with two compilation e-books of his magazine columns:
Up Close And Personal
Up Close And Personal Volume 2.

Author links:



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