Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop

Welcome to the Northern Witch's Book Blog.
I came across Trick or Treat Reads that was set up by Patricia Lynne (YA/NA author), and the idea is that you can jump from blog to blog and pick up free books.
This is just like trick-or-treating, but better!

Let's face it, sweets are delicious bad for you; books are awesome; and honestly, once you get to a certain age it is frowned upon to go asking your neighbours for sweets.

So, as much as I'd like to give you a trick option, let's get onto the treats:


The Shadow Rises (Witch-Hunter #1)

The first book in the Witch-Hunter trilogy, which follows modern witch-hunter, the famed Hunter Astley and his colleagues.

Amazon link
Or click on my Published Works tab for further retailers of ebooks.

Visit the rest of the blogs giving away goodies, and discover what other books you can snag!
(Some authors are posting deals on the 31st only, so make sure you visit them all on Monday!)


Finally, one last little treat.
Have you worked out what you are going to wear yet for Hallowe'en?
Why not let some of the characters from the Witch-Hunter trilogy help you out?

(Possible answers: Hunter Astley; James Bennett; Sophie Murphy; Sgt Dawkins; Kristen Davies; Mel. (note that Kristen and Mel only feature in The Shadow Falls)) 


  1. Thanks for joining the fun!

  2. Happy Halloween! Hope you get lots of trick-or-treaters and your goodie bag is overflowing :)

  3. Happy Halloween! I've spent so many hours putting together costumes for my kids this year, I swear I don't want to see another needle or thread for at least a month. Yegh.

  4. Happy Halloween! Witch fiction fits so perfectly with the holiday. Best wishes on the downloads and visitors.

  5. Not my type of book - but.....Happy Halloween - enjoying the blog hop - thank you for participating


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