SIBA 2016

Summer Indie Book Awards 2016

Hello lovely people, now you may have noticed on various social media over summer there have been nominations and excitement about the first Summer Indie Book Awards.

Now this is brainchild of Markie Madden & Metamorph Publishing, and you might already be aware of this if you follow IndieBooksBeSeen or the Author Promo Co-op.

This has been a free awards programme that not only allows them, but promotes Indie writers.

And guess what: *drumroll please*
Yes, a couple of my books are listed! Which is pretty awesome in itself, so thank you to anyone who nominated me!

There are links below for the different genres, and you can select as many of your favourite books as you like.
I would recommend making yourself a coffee and getting comfy, because these lists are looong (I would also recommend using your browser's "find" option if you're looking for anything in particular).
Which is all pretty awesome that so many Indie books have been nominated!
You have until the 11th September to register your vote, so get cracking.

After you've voted, check out the SIBA Facebook page to keep updated.

Happy voting!

Fantasy psst, vote for The Shadow Rises

Young Adult psst, vote for The Lost Soul


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