#Awethors Takeover - Cortina Jackson

Welcome to the 11am post in the twelve-hour #Awethors Takeover!

Don't miss out on the giveaway of Cortina Jackson's "On Earth as it is in Hell" at the bottom of the post!

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Does Hell Exist?

By Cortina Jackson

The question of whether Hell exists became revealed to me as a reality, when visions and dreams of its existence became vivid and undeniable. Hell on Earth is often an experienced set of inevitable circumstances to many people who may face suicide, hate, murder, disease; and so many more atrocities that seem to exist in their lives.
Is there a fate worse than that? The answer was revealed as an emphatic yes; as the assignment and agenda of Satan began to unfold like pieces to a puzzle. It was revealed that Satan orchestrates his master plan in manipulating the things that occur in our world; and he influences people, places, and things that he uses for his specific purpose and agenda.
Things that occur, such as police brutality, racism, terrorism, war, job loss, economic class and control, do not happen by chance or by accident. From the food that we eat, to the vaccines that we take, everything is designed for an ultimate purpose.
Even the music that is allowed to be played across the airways, and the movies that are allowed to be shown; they too have an objective. Some of the objectives are for entertainment, while others; oftentimes, reveal circumstances that we may, or may not understand. However, our lack of understanding does not negate the fact, that the things that we are exposed to are far more influential than we think.
The media, politics, and religion all have an impact as well. While people are distracted by what they hear or see, or they become distracted by the unfortunate circumstances that take precedence in their lives; the agenda of Satan is slowly introduced, and will eventually take full control. Before people realize that they are in grave danger, it will be too late, and the assignment will have been fulfilled.
Skeptics, naysayers, and non-believers of the existence of Hell will have their place as well, and this is their right. There is always a choice to believe or not to believe, nothing is forced; we have free will. However, to wake up in sheer terror and horror, like the vile depictions that I was subject to in my dreams; is a nightmare that I do not want to experience for an eternity. Therefore, I exercise my right to believe; in Hell, in Heaven, and especially in God.
Satan and his agenda, the church and its influence, or the lack of; along with some of the most graphic depictions of life, are poignantly portrayed in my novel, “On Earth As It Is In Hell.”
A fictional thriller, this novel starts out with a conversation that takes place in Hell. Satan gives orders to demons and the inhabitants in Hell, directing them to go to Earth through portals that
lead directly to churches, homes, schools, record companies, everywhere; and influence everything and everyone. His order is to steal, kill, and destroy; ultimately, bringing souls back to Hell.
The story follows the lives of three characters that experience tragedies; their lives are relatable, and their experiences are graphically told. Life is scarier than fiction; the fate of the world is scarier than this. Satan’s direct order, “Go to every home, enter into every heart, do on Earth as it is in Hell.”
Does Hell exist? In this tale, Hell yes!

Begin your journey into, “On Earth as It Is in Hell,” by visiting the website at www.cortinajackson.com
It can also be purchased at Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/author/cortinajackson
It can be downloaded at Barnes&Noble.com and Apple I store.
Please leave a review, it is much appreciated! Thank you all for your support!
Cortina Jackson
Author of “On Earth As It Is In Hell”

Cortina Jackson

Cortina Jackson is the doting mother of two sons. She received her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, and has over 15 years of law enforcement experience. With Cortina’s experience and knowledge in law enforcement, she has seen firsthand that; oftentimes, life is scarier than fiction. This has given her a basis for the material in her writing that often seems too detailed to be true. Cortina currently resides in McKinney, TX where she is working on her second Master’s degree and her next novel; and she is enthusiastic about sharing her passion for writing with you. For questions, scheduling, and ordering please visit her website at www.cortinajackson.com or email her directly at cortina.jackson@yahoo.com

My book can be found on my website at http://www.cortinajackson.com/ 

I have an exciting mp3 audio introduction of my book that can be included as well, sent as an attachment, and my book trailer is on Youtube at:


  1. Fascinating post, Cortina. I deal with Hell in my books too but in more of a fantasy setting. It was interesting to see how you link the idea of demons to the evils of the modern world.

  2. Thank you very much D.M. The Hell that is depicted in my novel is written in fiction with a fantasy feel as well. However, as I watch things unfold in the world, it seems that the book is becoming more and more prophetic. It is a fascinating read and quite a page turner, I'm told. So, no matter what a person feels about the subject, the story will definitely hold their attention. I hope that it is embraced and well received! Thank you for your friendship and support, so nice getting to make your acquaintance! Cortina


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