Author Interview - Melissa Holden

Author Interview - Melissa Holden

This week, in the run-up to the release of her new novella "Searching for Katherine", I've been lucky enough to get an interview from author Melissa Holden.

Melissa Holden is an undergraduate at Canterbury Christ Church University (Creative and Professional Writing BA Hons). As well as studying at university, Melissa is also an Editor for CCCU Her Campus. 

She is originally from Dartford, Kent where she grew up but has since moved to Canterbury in order to study. 

Along side her writing, Melissa is a supporter and member of the movement Indie Books Be Seen which helps indie authors work together to promote self-publishing. 

Melissa has been writing professionally since 2012, but has been an avid writer, reader and general creative her entire life. She is a big supporter of self-promotion and encouraging up-and-coming creatives to get their names out there. 

1)  Congratulations on your new book!  Where did the inspiration for "Searching For Katherine" come from?

Oh no, that's a tough one! I think it came from me and my old housemate drinking loads of tea and gossiping. I can't remember the exact moment I came up with the idea, it just sort of burst into my head and refused to leave until I wrote it. 

2)  What advice would you give to other Indie writers?

Never give up. Also, I never considered the traditional publishing route because indie-publishing really works for me. I think you should feel confident with how you produce your work. Also, you should check out #IndieBooksBeSeen because it's an incredible, supportive indie author movement. 

3)  You have quite the following with your blog, Twitter and YouTube channel.  How much of a support is your fanbase?

It's been a long year in the making, and my fanbase are the ones that kept me going. It's really nice having readers that accept you not only as an author, but as a human being too. My fans are my rock! 

4)  What do your friends and family think of you being a published writer?

My family aren't that into it, although recently my mom has been very supportive. My brother and sister have been incredible since Day 1 with the books. My friends are there for me day-to-day, but I suspect they're getting a bit sick of hearing about my writing by now. 

5)  What is the best and worst thing about being an indie-published author?

Best thing: the creative control! I love being in charge of every detail of my novel - it's my baby! Also, the support from other authors. 
Worst thing: the editing and the money. Now, I'm not in it for the money, but I spend more making my books than I've ever earned from them. It would be nice to get a decent sized pay cheque every now and then. 

6)  What has been your favourite book?

To write? I think this one because it's the longest, and I've spent the better part of a year working on it. It's been an incredible experience for me and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

7)  What came first: the desire to be an author; or the creative writing degree?

The desire to be an author! I've wanted to write books since I was a little girl, but I was never encouraged to write and read as a child. It was only when I did my A Levels that I realised that I was any good! I love my degree and it's taught me so much, I would definitely recommend writing courses. 

8)  What has been your favourite piece of work to date - fiction; advice; or poetry?

I love writing fiction and poetry, but the advice seems to come naturally - especially when I blog about writing. 

9)  Who has been your best critic?

My author friend, Eliza James - she's been great beta reading Searching For Katherine. 

10)  What has been your favourite review/comment?

It was actually a bad review I got on my novella, The Snow Killer. It made me realise that even though he didn't like the book - he still finished it and took the time to review it. I remember being really mad at first, but as time goes on I love that review - it's humbling! 

If you'd like to find out more about Melissa Holden and her books, she has a very handy list of links on her website:

And don't forget to look out for the shiny new Searching for Katherine, that I will be providing a review for this week.


  1. I wonderful interview, about a wonderful young writer!!


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