Good news, everybody!

Well, it looks like another of those over-stimulating weekends where I should go sit down and have a nice cup of tea instead.
I had two causes for excitement this week, and I will leave you to judge exactly how geeky I am to get worked up.

For example, over the years of wanting to be an author, and dreaming of the day when I would see a book
with my name on the shelf - I never imagined how giddy I would get over a bookmark.
But I dare you to look at it and not agree with my friend Khloe, that it is "sexy as phuck".

This is part of the promo package that popped up in my email from my cover designer Beth Syler.  She's the amazing artist who has done all three covers for the Witch-Hunter series.  I'd like to say that she's made my books look professional - but "professional" seems too sterile a word.  She's made my books look... addictive.

Anyway, as agreed, Beth had done the cover for book 3 - The Shadow Falls (which can be seen on my website, and I'm sure I'll be bragging about it here at a later date).  But then she also sent the unexpected promo images, which are frigging fantastic!
It was much to the amusement of my friends to see me bouncing around the coffee room, clutching a bookmark!

Point number two - this weekend, the paperback version of The Shadow Reigns might just have gone live on Amazon.
Now if that isn't a reason to have a glass of wine and dance around the room, I don't know what is.  (Not necessarily simultaneously.  My clumsiness, wine, and a cream carpet don't mix.)

The news of the release of the paperback has been brilliantly received.
I got goosebumps when I witnessed friends on Facebook - from Wales, Yorkshire and London; who didn't know each other a jot; but they were chatting away excitedly about the story!

It was almost as uplifting as when I told my parents, who put aside their British reservedness, to actually smile!


  1. This is all awesome! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you - exciting times! Now I've gotta figure out a) how to top it; and b) how to express it without Will Smith doing the running man.


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